Recipe List AltBrowseCategoriesAvotherapyBBQBreakfastCakeDessertDinnerDipsDrinksEntertainingGuacamoleLunchMainsPastaPizzaProfessionalQuickRecipeSaladSkincareSmoothieSnacksNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Smoked fish, avo and cucumber sandwichSmoked Salmon & Avocado SandwichSmoked Salmon & Avocado ToastSmoked Salmon Avocado BaguetteSmoked trout & avoSmoky Brisket with Avocado-Orange Salad, Avocado Rice and Tortilla Chips Smoky Chicken Tostadas with Avocado CremaSpaghetti with pumpkin, tomato and avocadoSpiced avocado and banana smoothieSpicy avocado and salmon toasted muffinsSpicy Avocado Cucumber SaladSpicy avocado, egg and three cheese quesadillas 1 … 25 26 27 28 29 30